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Find a new resource to spiff up your courses.

Use our courseware, learning modules, e-books, and practices in your analytical chemistry curriculum.

Discover labs that work with your curriculum.

ASDL's remote labs and e-labware offer excellent additions to the labs you're already using. Discover the breadth of material developed and shared by ASDL's editors.

Engage Students through Active Learning

Promote the use of active learning and discover it's effectiveness in undergraduate analytical chemistry courses.

Meet Your Colleagues in the ASDL Community

Since 1998, the resources in the ASDLib have been contributed by analytical sciences educators and researchers. Join us.

The Analytical Sciences Digital Library

digital book and computer

Find peer-reviewed labware, courseware, videos, web resources, and active learning materials that compliment your analytical chemistry courses. The ASDL Community has been going strong since 1998! Consider joining your colleagues here at the library!

Find a new resource to spiff up your courses.

Use our courseware, learning modules, e-books, and practices in your analytical chemistry curriculum.

Meet Your Colleagues in the ASDL Community

Since 1998, the resources in the ASDLib have been contributed by analytical sciences educators and researchers. Join us.

Discover labs that work with your curriculum.

ASDL's remote labs and e-labware offer excellent additions to the labs you're already using. Discover the breadth of material developed and shared by ASDL's editors.

Engage Students through Active Learning

Promote the use of active learning and discover it's effectiveness in undergraduate analytical chemistry courses.

acs logo
This library is made possible by ongoing support from the Division of Analytical Chemistry (ACS).

Follow this group on facebook  and join the Division to stay current on events, awards, and the ACS community!

All Hands On Deck!

Check out ASDL’s at home, hands-on experiments!

At home experiments

In-class Collaboration!

Find materials and instructor’s manuals that facilitate student participation.

Active Learning among students

Chock Full of Resources!

Use the datasets, video, image, labs, and problem exchanges to highlight your teaching efforts. 

Community Sites and Exchanges

Editor's Favorites:

Professor Erin Gross

Erin Gross – Creighton University

Recently I have been working on ASDL remote labs. These two tutorials on spreadsheets, equations, graphs and trendlines are useful for students’ understanding of scatter plots,equations, and formatting.

Rick Kelly – East Stroudsburg University

Along with other ASDL editors, I contributed to the Lake Nakuru Flamingos Environmental Analysis contextual module. This learning module contains everything you need to teach various analysis methods for water sampling within an environmental context.

From the Websites Collection:



Scientist's Guidelines


national science foundation logo

The Analytical Sciences Digital Library is possible thanks to the support of NSF grants DUE 01221528 to the University of Kansas, DUE 0531941 to the University of California – Riverside, and DUE 0435422 to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The Analytical Sciences Digital Library Community is possible thanks to the support of NSF grant DUE 0937751 to DePauw University. The ASDL Active Learning initiative has been supported through NSF grants DUE 0816649, DUE 1118600, and DUE 1624898 to Bates College, NSF grant DUE 0817595 to the University of California – Riverside, and NSF grant DUE 1624956 to the University of Iowa.

The Analytical Sciences Digital Library, ASDL, collects, catalogs, links and publishes peer reviewed web-based discovery materials pertinent to innovations in curricular development and supporting technical resources in the analytical sciences. The ASDL website ( is one of several collections initially funded by NSF’s National Science Digital Library, and is currently supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. ASDL grew out of discussions at regional and national meetings on ways to implement recommendations from NSF-sponsored workshops that evaluated teaching practices in the analytical curriculum. These recommendations can be found in the workshop report Curricular Developments in the Analytical Sciences, available as a pdf.



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