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Welcome to this visual garden with photos and links for things I want to remember. ✌️🍕🌞

Some Good Places to Start

Chris Glass


Answering the question, “What are you up to right now?” Updated December 2024

Icons of stuff

The Kitchen Drawer

A bunch of lists, tidbits and miscellany strewn about this site — a sitemap for things that get lost.


How I Internet

A relatively quick overview of how I approach journaling and whatnot.

Nested colorful bowls


I’ve always loved colorful things. I think it might have started with The Muppets. Here’s a bunch of colorful posts.

A smiling woman with an umbrella

The Chapters of Your Life

This started as a brief presentation about intent and photography that my good friend Erik turned into a short film as a birthday surprise during the pandemic.

Creative Mornings Cincinnati logo

Creative Mornings Talk

This video from 2013 is long, but lays out who I am and why I think design is awesome. I was nervous as heck through the whole thing.

Balding bearded man looks down and reflects

Treat yourself like a client

A sequel to my Creative Mornings talk from Layers Conference in 2016 where I share piecing myself back together.

A circle of leaves in green, red, orange and yellow

Great Discontent Interview

An old conversation that fills in the blanks of my career and whatnot in an interview format. My tip of the hat to Ryan and Tina for the moment.

A grid of movie, album and video game covers

A few favorite things

Books, movies, video games, music and random other things all mixed together in a visual, sortable grid.

An original iMac with a screenshot of a personal

My old website

I refuse to throw anything away (digitally at least). Here’s my old site cobbled together with spacer gifs and tables.

Recent Links

Coffee Receipt Stories

Stories and drawings on coffee receipts. Sort by themes or location. 600 and counting. Delightful. / via things to click

Coffee receipts, with cartoons and stories

The website as a book

Venkatram Harish Belvadi has among the finest personal websites I've seen. The typography. The quiet focus. That menu to navigate and set preferences (upper right). The photography sections. It's all so very lovely! This post provides some insight.

How to make friends in Durham

My friend Meredith sent over this community guide knowing such things are in my wheelhouse. I've been imagining a local version for Cincinnati ever since. Here's an interview with creator of the site, Mary Parsons.

how to make friends in durham

You deserve to notice something good today

Merlin fired up a new blog thing, and he has some notions to share. This one's about developing a muscle to notice good things. He also helps you find a pencil sharpener in another post. / via Merlin, but reminded by Luke

Black and white still from a movie with a man wearing angel wings standing on the edge of a tall building looking down

Taking an Internet Walk

Wanna get good lost? "There is not one internet. There are many. The fun, poetic, homecooked internets are waiting for us." / via Naive Weekly

The roads are flooded with water, there is a man on surfboard by bus

Open the document

Stay in the document. This and a few other self-motivation posters Austin Kleon has made to keep himself on task.

Open the document. Stay in the document. Poster with spiral design

Text-Only NPR News

I wouldn't mind NPR's full (graphic laden) news site, but they repeat stories 2, sometimes 3 times in different design patterns. This is a common practice across news, blog and magazine sites — and it drives me BONKERS. This text-only version eradicates this problem and is now my default news reader. / hat tip to Paul!

NPR News

The smallest toothpaste

And I thought travel sizes were small, but no! Phil has discovered an even smaller toothpaste.

A very, very, very tiny tube of Colgate toothpaste next to an SD card, AA battery, quarter, AirPods, and Lego minifig for scale

Vivian Browne: My Kind of Protest

This link is a reminder for myself to check out this show at the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati before May 25, 2025.

Vivian Brown painting

My name’s Chris, this is Edie, and this is a place where I put stuff. In my spare time, I devise schemes to create more spare time. My goal with all this is to remember things, but also try and understand the patterns of life.

(That’s the grand idea — it’s usually just kind of ordinary, and that’s okay too.)

A balding bearded man holding a slightly surprised cat



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