Dr Rajat Gupta

Gynecomastia Surgery

What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia or male boobs is a condition that men all over the world face. In Gynecomastia, their breast tissue develops due to an adolescent hormonal imbalance. 

At RG Aesthetics, Dr Rajat Gupta and his highly competent team bring you the most refined Gynecomastia treatment in Delhi. This male breast reduction surgery uses state-of-the-art technology to remove excess fat and breast gland in an entirely safe and scar-less procedure!

Download A Patient Guidebook Of Gynecomastia Surgery ?

1 Slide Result

This 34 year old model/ tv actor suffered from Gynecomastia. We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest. Along with that we also created his 6 pack abs look using Abdominal etching technique through High Definition Liposuction

Age: 34 years
Weight: 76
Height: 5'9"

We used tools like MicroAire and VASER to achieve this look

2 Slide Result

This 34 year old former Mr India model suffered from Gynecomastia. We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest.

Age: 34 year
Weight: 80
Height: 5'11"

Gynecomastia correction surgery without any cut/ scar on front of the chest

2 Slide Result

This 28 year old himself a Gym owner suffered from Gynecomastia grade 4. We did his gynecomastia correction

Age: 28 year
Weight: 94
Height: 5'10"

Gynecomastia correction surgery

2 Slide Result

This 29 year old suffered from Gynecomastia grade II. We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest.

Age: 29 years
Weight: 82
Height: 5'11"

Gynecomastia correction surgery without any cut/ scar on front of the chest

2 Slide Result

This 25 year old suffered from Gynecomastia grade II. We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest.

Age: 25 years
Weight: 78
Height: 5'10"

Gynecomastia correction surgery without any cut/ scar on front of the chest

2 Slide Result

This 32 year suffered from Gynecomastia gr III. We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest.

Age: 32 years
Weight: 90
Height: 6'1"

Gynecomastia correction surgery without any cut/ scar on front of the chest

2 Slide Result

This 32 year old suffered from Gynecomastia and resistant fat deposits on his abdomen. In spite of strenuous exercises, he couldn’t go beyond this shape! We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest. Along with that we also created his V shape of abdomen by doing liposuction of abdomen, flanks and lower back

Age: 32 years
Weight: 78
Height: 5'11"

We used tools like MicroAire and VASER to achieve this look

2 Slide Result

This 31 year old suffered from Gynecomastia grade II. We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest.

Age: 31 years
Weight: 77
Height: 5'10"

Gynecomastia correction surgery without any cut/ scar on front of the chest

2 Slide Result

This 36 year old suffered from Gynecomastia and resistant fat deposits on his abdomen. In spite of strenuous exercises, he couldn’t go beyond this shape! We did his gynecomastia correction using our special technique of no cut or scar on front of the chest. Along with that we also created his V shape of abdomen by doing liposuction of abdomen, flanks and lower back

Age: 36 years
Weight: 82
Height: 5'9"

We used tools like MicroAire and VASER to achieve this look

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Why Gynecomastia Surgery Is Done?

Gynecomastia procedure is done if:

  • If you are not comfortable to remove shirt in public, to swim, to participate in outdoor sports or gym
  • If you want to improve your body contours
  • If you want to build up your confidence

What Gynecomastia Surgery Can / Can’t Do

  • Can
  • Remove excess breast gland and fat
  • Make your chest flat and toned with no visible scarring on the front
  • Boost your self-esteem
  • Make your body look more proportionate
  • Give you an athletic look
  • Can’t
  • Create fully toned pectorals
  • Prevent future fat collection
  • Make your entire body look completely different
Tummy Tuck
  • 6 Pack Abs/Hi-Definition Liposuction
  • Liposuction
  • Dr Rajat Gupta
  • Explore All

    Arm Lift
  • Genital Rejuvenation
  • Hair Transplant
  • Ear Reconstruction
  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage
  • Explore All

  • Tummy Tuck
  • Buttock Augmentation
  • Genital Rejuvenation
  • Explore All

  • International Patients
  • Fellowship
  • Conferences
  • Compression Garment
  • In The News
  • Crisalix 3D Simulation
  • Gynecomastia
  • 6 Pack Abs/Hi-Definition Liposuction
  • Hair Transplant
  • Liposuction
  • Explore All

    +91-9090696951 / 9560156136
    Email: contact@drrajatgupta.com

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