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Why UK Energy Prices are so High
In April 2025, average UK energy prices will rise another 6.4%, leaving an average household cost of £1,849 which is £600 more than 3 years ago. It’s not just households experiencing a rise in energy costs, IL businesses face the highest cost of electricity in Europe. It is proving very damaging for the remaining industrial…
How Statistics Can be False or Misleading
There are many ways for statistics to be misleading. Firstly, governments can just outright lie and make up their own statistics. When inflation was too high in Argentina, the government ordered the statistics agency to reduce the inflation rate. Problem solved. In Soviet times, local officials would fall over themselves to produce statistics that iron…
How To Fix UK Economy
It’s pretty easy to talk about the problems with the UK economy – 18 years of low growth, stagnant real wages, low productivity, low investment, housing costs through the roof. The numbers don’t lie. If past trends had continued from 2007, average households would be at least £8,000 a year better off. If we could…
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Books by Tejvan Pettinger
An easy to read an overview of economics. ‘Cracking Economics’ gives explanations of main topics with images and diagrams to bring economics to life.
The book is aimed at anyone with a general interest in economics but would like a better understanding. Available in hardback at major bookshops and online. Read More
An Enlightening Guide to the Dismal Science – published by Wellbeck.
It includes topics such as common economic fallacies, middlemen, recycling, debt, finance, trade, money, taxation and why some people get rich and others don’t.