HVAC issues have never been easier to diagnose and fix with the Thermal Master P2 Thermal Camera. This miracle device is a must-have for any homeowner.
Read MoreMinimalist design doesn't have to mean boring, cold tones of gray, white, and black. Here's a trick that gives minimalist spaces a fresh, vibrant feel.
Read MoreWhether your garage requires protection from the intense heat or bitter cold, insulating the door can help. The ideal material to do so all depends on your needs.
Read MoreWhile small patterns can make a huge impact on your space, tiny tiles are difficult to install. To get around this downside, discover the micro-patterns trend.
Read MoreGround covers that form dense mats are exceptionally helpful for preventing weeds. This pretty plant offers delicate white flowers and attractive foliage, too.
Read MoreDrywall can easily get damaged in a bathroom due to water splashes and high humidity. To repair a water-damaged wall near a shower, use a drywall patch.
Read MoreLinoleum flooring has a reputation for being easy to install. For a professional finish with no bumps or sagging, there are a number of tips you should know.
Read MoreYou might think that pre-hung doors are a practical addition to your home, but there are some disadvantages you should be aware of before installation.
Read MoreVintage pieces can add truly unique charm to your home. In this sustainable DIY, you'll thrift a wooden headboard to give your kitchen a rustic makeover.
Read MoreIf you have an unused entryway nook, then you have a perfect opportunity to create a functional and stylish space that will elevate your home in so many ways.
Read MoreBradford pear trees are brittle trees that break easily. They're also invasive in many areas, so skip this flowering tree and plant one of these instead.
Read MoreWhen you watch an episode of Mike Holmes' renovation shows, you might be left with one question: Do homeowners get to keep the furniture? We have the answer.
Read MoreWhile popcorn ceilings are no longer popular, many homes still feature them. Refresh your ceilings by painting them, but avoid these mistakes.
Read MoreTrends will come and go, but this throwback to a bygone era might surprise you. If your living room lacks that cozy feel, this design could be the answer.
Read MoreToo many water bottles taking up space in your kitchen cabinet? Head over to Dollar Tree to pick up a cheap and simple DIY solution to declutter your shelves.
Read MoreWondering who foots the bill for all the work done on Mike Holmes' renovation shows? Apparently, the funding comes from several sources. Here's what we know.
Read MoreThe bathroom might not be a place where you pay much attention to your decor -- but our experts agree that these bathroom designs are rapidly becoming outdated.
Read MoreRemember old-fashioned laundry chutes? In an exclusive interview with House Digest, Design Historian Sarah Bilotta tells us all why you don't see them anymore.
Read MoreThere's a lot to love about high ceilings in your home but only if you light it right. Look out for these common mistakes when you choose your ceiling lights.
Read MoreAny old jar can be turned into a gorgeous flower vase, propagation station, or twinkle light vessel with just some twine and a simple tying technique.
Read MoreBamboo shades are an attractive option if you want a natural vibe in your home, but will they hurt or help your electric bill? Our expert has answers.
Read MoreIs your garage floor old, cracked, and in desperate need of an upgrade? This simple DIY will leave the floors looking brand new with a fresh, speckled finish.
Read MoreWe're always on the lookout for ways to clear off and organize our bathroom countertops, and we can't resist an easy Dollar Tree DIY like this one.
Read MoreWhile vinyl flooring can last for 10 to 20 years, more than just the floor's age should be considered when deciding whether or not to replace it.
Read MoreFrom chairs and desks to plants and bookcases, Costco has everything you need to make your home office complete. Check out some of the best furniture options.
Read MoreOrganizing all your bathroom essentials can be tricky. But there's one commonly thrifted kitchen item that can provide budget-friendly storage.
Read MorePruning is a tricky, time-consuming activity that can backfire if done wrong. Our lineup has 24 plants that thrive and maintain their shape without pruning.
Read MoreSmart home devices are convenient but raise questions about privacy. Here are the risks of using smart home devices and how you can mitigate them.
Read MoreInstead of throwing away that chandelier, lamp, or ceiling sconce, repurpose it into a decorative or functional item to use around your home or in your yard.
Read MoreIf you're shopping for shoe storage and are shocked at the prices, check out this DIY storage solution that can be used anywhere you stash your footwear.
Read MoreYou probably know about the benefits of companion planting, but did you know sometimes plants have enemies, too? Don't grow these crops too close to zucchini.
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