Using 2025 cutting-edge AI models for lossless restoration of old photos (supports old, scratched photo restoration, colorization, and Magic Photo)
{{t.pic.naturalWidth+"x"+t.pic.naturalHeight+"px"}} / {{formatBytes(t.file.size)}} / {{}} |
iOS App
jpgHD Enhancement Demo
Old Photo Restoration
Scratch Repair
Super Resolution
Magic Photo
Old Photo Restoration
Scratch Repair
Super Resolution
AI Denoise
HD Landscape
HD Sketch
AI Denoise
Anime Enlarge
Logo Enlarge
AI Denoise
FAQHow does work?By using 2025 the most advanced AI image super-resolution models and deep learning technology to enhance noisy and scratched images and colorize older photos. How about the speed?One image takes about 3~5 minutes, smaller images are faster than large images. Images with fewer faces are quicker than images with more. AI Enhance is faster than Old Photo Restoration. Making a Magic Photo will need more time than both. How to get the best results?First, make sure the photos' direction is correct. If the picture needs rotation, please correct it before upload. Secondly, please crop the photo to remove irrelevant background items such as a desktop or picture frame. Finally, please note that if the photo is too badly damaged, there is no way for the AI to repair it perfectly at this time. What is Magic Photo?Magic Photo is a process that can make a portrait move vividly. Like the newspapers from Harry Potter! A photo supports up to 10 faces. Please note that more faces increase the processing time. If a face is smaller than 256x256, it will not be detected. In this case, you may want to check the 4x Enlarge checkbox. What images work best?jpgHD supports any images. Landscape, portrait, graphic design, illustration, cartoon, old, and scratched photographs, etc are all supported! What does jpgHD do with the images I upload and the results?jpgHD automatically deletes data that is more than 3 days old to save storage costs and prevent data leakage. You may manually delete it at any time as well. Why the charge?In order to maintain the high GPU server expense of this tool, we offer a paid service. With this service your task is prioritized, there is no limit to the uploads size, you can access higher resolution, scratch-fixing, and more! Will an Error use credits?Deleting an error task will refund the credit. Are jpgHD web demo images processed by human?No, the demo images are processed automatically by our AI at jpgHD. We crop them to fit this website, which is why you will not recieve the same result by taking these cropped images and running them through. You can download the original images used on our website here. How do I contact jpgHD?Feel free to email us 相关内容推荐徐梦婷称赞的意思蠢蠢欲动的意思爱情木瓜新奇的近义词是什么祺贵人扮演者陈耀川陈港生爱恨就在一瞬间是什么歌防不胜防什么意思活着txt下载歇后语外甥打灯笼完璧归赵的主人公杭州车管所电话南航7875英尺7英寸导师英文如家连锁酒店官网壶装蜜酒张克芃端详的意思冷兵器大全虾红素reviled婺怎么读bravado详细的反义词富士康老总花港观鱼派乐汉堡经济房李双江之子佛山李宁专卖店和你在一起吉他谱回头鱼不羁是什么意思倾听的近义词露从今夜白下一句氐惆杨紫几岁了李长进柬埔寨是哪个国家司长是什么级别杨玏个人资料中国与英国的时差吹喇叭什么意思武汉到黄石乌青鱼后会无期吉他谱当我孤独的时候还可以抱着你赫赫有名的意思聂力taste的过去式逍遥叹胡歌精致的反义词是什么枯萎的反义词onelove吴江中考分数线陈文娅月亮小组我在春天等你简谱参考系的定义颁布的意思衡阳雁去懵懂怎么读蓝莓的英文重庆解放碑在哪个区双喜临门打一地名繁密的意思公共事业管理专业就业方向皈依是什么意思内蒙高考状元不卑不亢是什么意思科技侠智能锁妈妈教我一支歌简谱lzsb悲哀的意思寒风凛冽的意思海蛇头吴作人美术学校听不到吉他谱阿宝的歌facesitting西母霸龙家族狂风怒号的意思谍战片电视剧大全求人帮忙说谁为我心动从一到十的大写聊斋志异之阿宝人间情多真爱难说各省的简称脑清新伦巴达梁静茹情歌歌词数风流人物还看今朝的意思移动手机话费支付喧闹的反义词妙想天开石蝉草阳光乐章蝴蝶标本制作向阳花开王宝强新片dessert可数吗稻香村营业时间流水潺潺王佟艺谢新颖skirt怎么读棕榈怎么读北寺塔圭臬是什么意思昔日重现上海外地牌照限行gt520ProMinent纪家盈k732爱不爱我歌词d3201求全责备是什么意思长途跋涉什么意思恨的英文曲尼次仁迫不及待的反义词represents妈妈教我一支歌简谱高尔基自传体三部曲笑看风云演员表没有如果歌词万科集团总部地址马约翰欢声笑语的近义词神州9号建行网络学习系统出水芙蓉什么意思红星美凯龙商城工行理财金卡sunset什么意思防微杜渐的意思久违的意思一溜歪什么荸荠怎么读中国一线女星新西兰属于哪个洲putoff接地气是什么意思狗尾续貂的意思刘德华鸽子情缘陈奂生上城visit的过去分词钢之逆鳞广东温泉安全感英文我终于失去了你吉他谱艾梦萌瘦弱的意思傲慢近义词临泉先锋网企鹅肉常青树有哪些五铢钱价格爱情买卖dj陶醉的近义词陈立军菊花岛closet怎么读景霁米娜桑演员李思思全部的反义词零点乐队相信自己卫立煌简历5公分等于多少厘米如人饮水冷暖自知什么意思baci宋祖英今年多大星骓宾塔奇朝九晚五是什么意思compete百度精算缠中说禅李彪昆山区号ems几点上班燕瘦环肥清唱好听的歌刚刚地震了吗新疆区号成都月嫂价格善良的反义词佐伯俊雄蒋大为牡丹之歌打波是什么意思雁荡山在哪里虔诚的意思70后经典老歌于新博钦州地图 站外内容推荐 |