Learn English Vocabulary
and Easy English Grammar

Really learn English vocabulary and grammar

This site will help you learn or teach English!

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses


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Then it's good you found this site.

Here you will find a great deal of useful and unique resources.
These are all designed to help you successfully teach your students!

Most Popular Products for Teachers:

English Short Stories Book and Workbook (ESL Short Stories and Exercises)

110 pages of high interest/low vocabulary stories, as well as many types of exercises for your students. The exercises include vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, comprehension and writing.
Rules and tables, together with special short stories and illustrations. Each story is focused on one tense only. Everything is delivered using a special step-by-step approach for maximum teaching results.
English Short Stories for Complete Beginners

54 pages of fully illustrated stories for complete beginners or kids learning English. It is useful for teaching reading, basic sentence structure, and practicing basic sounds of letters.

Free English Grammar Test for Download

A comprehensive grammar test for intermediate students. It covers the most important aspect of grammar: parts of speech, verb tenses and sentence structure.

Simple Past Tense, a Step-by-Step Guide

A complete tutorial on the simple past tense. Includes easy to understand explanations, dozens of different exercises, a story in the simple past tense and a final test.

English Plural Nouns, a Step-by-Step Guide

A complete tutorial on English plural nouns. Rules and practice for the spelling rules, irregular plural nouns, countable and uncountable nouns and much more. Includes easy to understand explanations, dozens of different exercises, a story in the simple past tense and a final test.
For more info: ESL eBooks
You can also visit our new online eBook store: English Textbooks and Workbooks


Do you want to pass the English exams?

Get a better job? Go abroad?

Communicate with people?

Get more knowledge?

In other words, you want to be able to USE English.

Many people study English, yet still have difficulties in using English.

And using is really the key thing.

So let's start improving your English!

English Test: Proficiency Level (Test Your English Online for Free)

Take the test now and find out your level of English proficiency.

Your Next Steps:

  1. Why learn English? Read about the reasons to learn English

  2. Get the English Short Stories book and workbook
    The English Short Stories for Complete Beginners

  3. Learning English online – sign up for online English courses

  4. Learn English videos – watch videos and improve your English

  5. Visit the English Writing section to learn to write English

  6. Visit the English Speaking section to learn to speak English

  7. Visit the English Vocabulary Activities to improve your vocabulary

  8. Visit the English Short Stories section to practice reading

  9. Visit the Easy English Grammar section to improve your grammar

A group of mushrooms

Additional Site Resources

English Word Pronunciation: Improve that Accent!
Improve your English word pronunciation and accent for FREE with these explanations, videos and exercises.

Building Vocabulary and Some Common Mistakes
What is the right way to build vocabulary, and what are the common mistakes? Find out in this important article.

Vocabulary Flashcards
Cool English vocabulary flashcards. Practice online.

Teachers Games for Vocabulary
Teachers games for vocabulary can be both fun and educating. Click here to find out about popular game collections.

English Vocabulary Quizzes
Use these English vocabulary quizzes to test yourself and correct common mistakes.

The Best English Dictionary
To improve your English you really must use a good basic English dictionary. How do you choose a dictionary? What free options do you have online?

English Spelling Rules
English spelling rules for the following subjects:
How to add S at the end of the verb,
how to add ED at the end of a verb,
how to add ING at the end of a verb.

English Grammar Exercises
Here you will find simple and easy English grammar exercises for even the hardest subjects! Step by step, you can improve your grammar!

English Verb Tenses
Here you will find simple and easy explanations and many exercises on English verb tenses.

Learn English Parts of Speech - Explanations, Examples and Exercises
A thorough overview of the English parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

Gerunds and Infinitives: Rules, Exercises and Quizzes
A "gerunds or infinitives" tutorial – full of explanations, example sentences, exercises and a final test.

English Modal Verbs
A quick and easy "English modal verbs tutorial" – explanations, tables, example sentences and exercises.

English Vocabulary and Grammar Tips – Really Learn English Newsletter
Get English vocabulary and grammar tips regularly to your mailbox. A great way to improve your English step by step, e-mail after e-mail.

Really Learn English Blog
In this blog you can find the latest additions to the site: articles, illustrations, exercises, flashcards and stories - all about learning English.

Useful Links
A list of useful links on subjects such as:
Dictionaries, English resources, English directories and more.

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English Short Stories Book and Workbook)
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English Short Stories

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