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BC SPCA > Adoption > Adoption fees

Adoption fees

We’re thrilled that you’re ready to adopt a deserving animal from the BC SPCA! We want to let you know that our adoption fees have recently been adjusted to ensure consistency across the Province, enhancing your adoption experience and ensuring that fees no longer vary by location. The adoption fee helps cover a portion of the costs associated with caring for the animals while we find them loving homes.

When you adopt, you’ll receive essential care depending on the type of animal including medical assessments, vaccinations, flea and parasite treatments, spay or neuter surgery, and BC Pet Registry microchip identification. Additionally, you’ll benefit from support items such as Hill’s pet food samples, a free 6-week Petsecure Pet Health Insurance, and a free virtual veterinary appointment with TELUS Health MyPet. Please review below the costs and what’s included per animal type.

Animal Adoption Fees

Birds – Small $20
Small, Medium Parrot $100
Large Parrot $400
  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and temperament (behaviour) to ensure a success adoption placement

View Adoptable Birds

  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and temperament (behaviour) to ensure a successful adoption placement
  • First round of standard animal centre “core” vaccinations as required (does not include rabies or feline leukemia)
  • Flea and other external parasite treatments as required
  • Routine deworming and other internal parasite treatments as required
  • Spay or neuter surgery (including pediatric surgery for kittens)
  • Microchip identification implant and lifetime registration with the BC Pet Registry ($45 value)
  • Their Hide, Perch & Go™ box (to help ease the transition to their new home)
  • Sample bag of food and coupon provided by Hill’s Pet Nutrition as fed in the animal centre
  • Six week free trial of pet insurance provided by Petsecure Pet Health Insurance
  • A free virtual veterinary appointment provided by TELUS Health MyPet

View Adoptable Cat’s & Kittens

  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and temperament (behaviour) to ensure a successful adoption placement
  • First round of standard animal centre “core” vaccinations as required (does not include rabies)
  • Flea and other external parasite treatments as required
  • Routine deworming and other internal parasite treatments as required
  • Microchip identification implant and lifetime registration with the BC Pet Registry ($45 value)
  • Spay or neuter surgery (including pediatric surgery for puppies)
  • Sample bag of food and coupon provided by Hill’s Pet Nutrition as fed in the animal centre
  • Six week free trial of pet insurance provided by Petsecure Pet Health Insurance
  • A free virtual veterinary appointment provided by TELUS Health MyPet

View Adoptable Dogs

Horse – Miniature$150
Donkey, Mule$500
  • A complete health assessment by a registered veterinarian
  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and temperament (behaviour) to ensure a successful adoption placement
  • First round of standard “core” vaccinations as required
  • External parasite treatments as required
  • Routine fecal testing and deworming and other internal parasite treatments as required
  • Castration/Gelding of male horses, donkeys and mules.

View Adoptable Equines

Goat, Sheep, Pig$150
Cow, Cattle$200
Llama, Alpaca, Rhea$300
  • A complete health assessment by a registered veterinarian
  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and temperament (behaviour) to ensure a successful adoption placement
  • First round of standard “core” vaccinations as required
  • External parasite treatments as required
  • Routine fecal testing and deworming and other internal parasite treatments as required
  • Castration/Gelding of male goats, sheep and pigs suitable for hobby farm/companion placement.

View Adoptable Farm Animals

Farm Bird Small
(Chicken, duck, quail, pheasant)
Farm Bird Medium/Large
(Turkey, Goose, Peafowl)
  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and
    temperament (behaviour) to ensure a successful adoption placement
  • External parasite treatments as required
  • Fecal testing and deworming and other internal parasite treatments as required

View Adoptable Farm Animals

Backyard chickens in outdoor run.
Adoption Fee$75
  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and temperament (behaviour) to ensure a successful adoption placement
  • Flea and other external parasite treatments as required
  • First round of standard animal centre “core” vaccinations as required
  • Spay or neuter surgery
  • Microchip identification implant and lifetime registration with the BC Pet Registry ($45 value)

View Adoptable Rabbits

A child feeds a rabbit a carrot as they both sit on a couch
Guinea Pig$20
Small Animal
(Mouse, Hamster, Gerbil)
  • A complete assessment performed by staff to understand the pet’s medical needs and temperament (behaviour) to ensure a success adoption placement

View Small Adoptable Animals

Rat being held and pet by girl



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