Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.

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    Our Services

    Best Services to
    Simplify your Tasks!

    Virtual Assistant Services

    Get your daily tasks organized effortlessly

    Virtual Personal Assistant

    Get your personal tasks done on time

    Virtual Receptionist Services

    Let customer queries be professionally managed

    Data Management Services

    Manage your data dexterously

    Digital Marketing Services

    Bolster your presence in digital space

    Web Designing & Development

    Leverage the web for your business advantage

    Content Writing Services

    Give your brand the power of the right words

    IT Technical Support Services

    Let your work run seamlessly without any hiccups


    Data Entry & Management


    Research & Market Analysis


    Customer Service & Lead Generation


    Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

    What is Content Marketing?

    At their core, keywords are one of — if not the most — single important component of a successful SEO campaign. Keywords refer to the words typed into a search box – be it on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, there is much more to keywords than just that.

    The keywords typed into a search box reveal certain details about customers and how they go about searching for things. Knowing this, it’s important to target keywords that mimic your customer’s minds and search tendencies.

    About Us

    Accelerate your productivity with our
    Virtual Assistant's Expertise!

    Whether you are a start-up or an established MNC, our virtual assistant services can truly change your game! Task Virtual is one of the top-rated virtual assistant companies that brings you a complete range of Virtual Assistant services that lets someone else remotely handle non-core tasks while you can focus on your core business growth!

    At Task Virtual a thorough screening process goes behind hiring our virtual assistants – which means nothing but the best and most professional service for you! Save your time, efforts and expenses as our virtual assistants handle tasks ranging from data entry and mining to digital marketing & web development to phone answering. 

    task virtual VA
    Why Us

    Get All your Tasks Sorted with Task Virtual!

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    Service Range
    Best Talent
    & Resources

    What quality work can you expect from Task Virtual?

    Only the very best! At Task Virtual, we pride ourselves for our professional expertise, that encompasses not just the task we do but also the quality of the service we provide and the dedication with which we do it. we do a thorough screening when hiring our task experts, just to ensure that the quality of service we provide stays uncompromised!

    What can Task Virtual do for your Business?

    We provide a wide range of services that can help you drive your Business Growth better!
    Our Virtual Assistant Service and Virtual Receptionist Service are the best to get your daily tasks organized. We provide Digital Marketing Service, Web Technology, Content Writing Service and IT Support Services which gives you an advantage in today’s digital world.
    Apart from that our Concierge Service and a host of Other Services take care of anything else you need!

    When can you reach Task Virtual?

    Whenever you need us! Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your tasks get done no matter what time of the day it is.

    Whether it’s an urgent task or any query that you may have, you are free to reach us at any hour. We are available for you 24/7 to attend to your requests or resolve any queries!

    Can you get the best quality work from Task Virtual?

    At Task Virtual, we can guarantee it! When you hire us, you get access to the best Talent & Resources which help you increase efficiency by Outsourcing Non-core tasks and thereby decrease your operational costs.

    Our long list of happy clients and high ratings on various web platforms is proof of our work quality and how seriously we take all the tasks we do for you!

    Why should you trust Task Virtual Team?

    Because we are truly dedicated to simplifying your task load and saving you more time to do all that you want to do!

    The Task Virtual team is always at your service and is excellent at both helping you prioritize your tasks and getting them done within prescribed deadlines. Rest assured, when working with us, nothing would be amiss!

    Is Task Virtual right for your Industry?

    Wondering if our people are capable of catering to your particular industry?

    Well, worry not because we hire experienced talents that have worked across myriad industries and hence are capable of doing tasks in specific ways that would be best suited to your industry. As promised, the results will be impeccable, every single time!

    Plans & Pricing
    Flexible Pricing Plans

    We have experience working with large and small businesses and
    are ready to develop a targeted strategy and plan that’s just right for you.


    $ 999

    Monthly Package

    Dedicated Assistant
    160 Hours @ $6.24
    8 Hours Daily
    Choose Plan

    $ 699

    Monthly Package

    Dedicated Assistant
    100 Hours @ $6.99
    4.5 Hours Daily
    Choose Plan

    $ 15.00

    One Time Payment

    Unlimited Validity
    1 PAYG @ $15.00
    Pay Per Hour
    Choose Plan
    BA 05
    BA 05

    $ 60

    Monthly Package

    5 Hours @ $12 /Hr
    1 Month Validity
    BA 10
    BA 10

    $ 110

    Monthly Package

    10 Hours @ $11 /Hr
    1 Month Validity
    BA 20
    BA 20

    $ 200

    Monthly Package

    20 Hours @ $10 /Hr
    1 Month Validity
    BA 40
    BA 40

    $ 360

    Monthly Package

    40 Hours @ $8 /Hr
    1 Month Validity
    BA 60
    BA 60

    $ 480

    Monthly Package

    60 Hours @ $7 /Hr
    1 Month Validity
    BA 30
    BA 30

    $ 285

    Quarterly Package

    30 Hours @ $9.5 /Hr
    3 Months Validity
    Choose Plan
    BA 50
    BA 50

    $ 425

    Quarterly Package

    50 Hours @ $8.5 /Hr
    3 Months Validity
    Choose Plan
    BA 80
    BA 80

    $ 600

    Quarterly Package

    80 Hours @ $7.5 /Hr
    3 Months Validity
    Choose Plan

    All the plans are recurring in subscription except PAYG.
    Subscribing to any of our plans means you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

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