Where we worship

460 High Street, Ellsworth, ME. Every Sunday @10:30 am

Living Out Our Purpose

At the United Baptist Church of Ellsworth, our purpose is also our process—to make disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, and service for the glory of God.

We exist to proclaim and celebrate the Gospel, the message of God’s salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.

About Us

United Baptist Church is a dynamic, multi-generational church family with a heart for service. Our mission is to learn from and follow Jesus Christ, while helping others do the same. Our vision is to be the kind of church that people would miss if it weren’t around. Our desire is to be a praying, growing church that honors God by actively meeting the spiritual and physical needs of our members, the people of Ellsworth, Hancock County, and beyond.

Let Us Serve

Job Description: Eight week rotation, starting 11/6 and ending 1/1/23. Leads in the teaching of each week's Sunday school lesson from provided curriculum. Oversees transitions at start and finish of Sunday school session. Takes attendance. Supervises students and assistants/helpers.

Ministry Leader: Justin Arseneau

Job Description: Use your musical talent to lead our congregation in worship as part of the UBC Praise Team. If you play an instrument and would like to be part of the Praise Band or have a gift for singing you would like to put to use as part of the Team, please apply. The eventual time commitment to a Praise Team Member will include Sunday morning rehearsal and Sunday morning worship.

Ministry Leader: Scott Conners

Job Description: 1. Sign up in Welcome Center to bring baked goods/snacks for Sunday Fellowship (Home made or bought cookies, bars, donuts, etc.)
2. Help stock our freezer with snacks to have on hand, by bringing them in anytime.

Ministry Leader: Suzanne Mace

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These are tough times for everyone.  We understand, and would like to pray for you–no strings attached.  Just send us your first name (if you want to) and what you would like us to pray for, and we will do exactly that.  We may not be able to come alongside you physically at this time, but we can draw near in prayer.  It would be our pleasure to pray for you.


Prayer Requests

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by offering opportunities for worship, fellowship and service.

The Vision of the United Baptist Church is to be a praying, growing church that glorifies God and actively meets the spiritual and physical needs of our church members, the people of Ellsworth, Hancock County and beyond.

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the wings of healing…

That pronouncement draws our attention! Predictions intrigue and sometimes unsettle us whether they are speculations about the stock market, actuarial tables, prognostications associated with diseases, habits and medical treatments, or discussions about political outcomes, Some of us even resort to tarot cards and fortune tellers to garner what might be coming down the pike.

Burdened but Beautiful

The way these trees and chairs have successfully held up under a heavy snowfall remind us that courage and strength withstanding the whims, burdens, and trials that life tosses at us are “beautiful”.

Above the Mountains

These roots are reminders of the phrase to “ get a grip,” which can have various meanings such as securing a physical hold on some item, exhibiting emotional control in an intense situation, or rethinking one’s position during a heated discussion! However, it also raises other considerations.

Getting a Grip

These roots are reminders of the phrase to “ get a grip,” which can have various meanings such as securing a physical hold on some item, exhibiting emotional control in an intense situation, or rethinking one’s position during a heated discussion! However, it also raises other considerations.

Singing Sheep

Sung by “the people of (God’s) pasture” and “the sheep of his hand,” Psalm 95 overflows with thanksgiving and gratitude to the Almighty, Sovereign Creator and Redeemer who is worthy of worship because of His wonderful, protective salvation.


Feb16 Snow and Ice Report

Feb16 Snow and Ice Report

Dear church family, Unfortunately, another winter storm is scheduled to hit at the same time as our worship service tomorrow. While we hate  to cancel again, it seems the prudent...

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Winter 2025 Reading Plan

Winter 2025 Reading Plan

You will be warmed up daily by going through UBC's Winter Reading Plan.

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What Is A Healthy Church

What Is A Healthy Church

We are starting a new adult Sunday school class January 5th, "What is a Healthy Church? Understanding Church Essentials" Join us as we explore the essential attributes of a...

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Church Services

10:30 a.m. 

Worship Service @United Baptist Church

460 High St.

Ellsworth, Maine

United Baptist Church Office


United Baptist Church of Ellsworth


Sunday Services: 10:30am

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