Leaked USAID email tells staff to 'shred and burn classified documents', court filing claims

A union representing the hundreds of fired USAID workers has filed for a restraining order against the Trump administration


Trump warned Russia, if needed, the US could 'do very bad things' to it but the US 'won't' because ultimately it wants 'peace' in Ukraine

  • Health experts reveal six ways your body is damaged when you eat too much sugar

    They're not all so obvious...

  • Specific states that will be targeted as Europe retaliates against Donald Trump's tariffs

    The European Union has shared the countermeasures it's taking in the wake of Trump's tariff hikes

  • Canada announces over $20,700,000,000 in tariffs in response to Donald Trump

    The country has taken another stand after the POTUS announced a 25 percent tariff on steel and aluminum products

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    1. Trump warned Russia, if needed, the US could 'do very bad things' to it but the US 'won't' because ultimately it wants 'peace' in Ukraine

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  • They solemnly swear that they are up to no good...

  • The country has taken another stand after the POTUS announced a 25 percent tariff on steel and aluminum products

  • Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bernard Arnault, and Sergey Brin all stood in support of Trump at the event

  • As President Donald Trump antagonizes global trading partners, Ontario Premier Doug Ford has addressed his comments

  • Christina Fulton is still suing the pair's son, Weston Coppola Cage, over an alleged attack

  • A Boeing E-6B Mercury was spotted flying across the Midwest on Monday

  • They only launched the brand five years ago

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