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Short Term Lease Agreement

A simple and straight forward short term lease agreement that can be used for a tenant rental property.

Short Term Lease Agreement Template

Short Term Lease Agreement

Tenant [Legal Name], AKA (The Tenant)

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

Phone Number (000)000-0000

Email: email@address.com


Landlord [Legal Name], AKA (The Landlord)

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

Phone Number (000)000-0000

Email: email@address.com

The above mentioned two parties hereby agree to the following terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement for the following property:

Address: _________________________

City: __________ State: ___ Zip: ____

Lease Term:

Start Date: ____/____/______

End Date: ____/____/______

The Tenant shall pay the Landlord a monthly rent of $______ for the complete Lease Term as stated above. Payment will be made in advance for each month before the end of the fifth business day at 5:00pm.

The Tenant is responsible for the following utility expenses:


At the end of this Lease Agreement Term the Tenant will return the possession of the Leased Property in good condition with reasonable wear and tear. Upon vacating the premises the Tenant shall not leave behind any personal belongings or any debris.

The Tenant shall not sub-let the above mentioned Property during the terms of this Lease Agreement or allow another person to occupy the Property without the Landlord's written consent before hand.

The Tenant shall not conduct any business that is a nuisance, hazardous, or that would require an increase in insurance premiums. The Tenant hereby warrants that the Leased Property will only be used to conduct the following type of business activities:



If there is any breach of payment or other terms of this Lease Agreement the Landlord hereby has full rights to terminate this Lease Agreement in accordance with state law and then re-claim complete possession of the above mentioned Leased Property. In addition to any other legal remedies that are available to the Landlord that may arise from such a breach.

By signing below, this Lease Agreement shall be binding upon the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives.

Signature of Tenant

Signature of Tenant




Lease Application

Credit History Check

Tenant Screening

Tenant Verification

Rental Agreement

Receipt for Rent

Move In Move Out Inspection

Lease Addendum

Addendum To Lease

Addendum Letter

Cosigner Agreement

Cosigner Release

Pet Agreement

Smoke Free

Lead Based Paint

Lease Extension

Lease Renewal

Early Occupancy

Asbestos Disclosure

Bed Bug Addendum

Security Deposit

Letter of Intent to Lease

Security Deposit Agreement

Security Deposit Receipt


Key Receipt

Blank Rent Receipts

House Rent Receipt

Late Payment

Late Rent Payment

Late Rent Notice

Notices & References

Apartment Repair Request

Reference from Landlord

Complaint to Landlord

Notice of Eviction

Notice To Vacate

Notice To Enter

30 Day Notice

Lease Termination Notice

Rental Agreements

Short Term Lease

Vacation Rental Agreement

Sublease Agreement

Roommate Rental Agreement

Letters From Landlord To Tenant

Security Deposit Refund Letter

Letter Asking For Late Rent Payment

Rent Increase Letter To Tenant

Letter For Tenant To Pay For Repairs

Letter To Tenant That No Pets Are Allowed

Tenant Parking Rules Letter

Letters From Tenant To Landlord

Letter To Terminate Rental Agreement

Letter to Request Repairs in Apartment

Letter to Request Security Deposit Refund

Tenant Rules & Regulations

Landlord Pet Policy



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