Exclusive Online Deals: Shop online at Western Digital to access exclusive promotions and deals shown on the front page of their website. You can also receive free gifts such as protective cases, an extra warranty, and limited-time bundle savings.
How to use Western Digital Coupon Codes
1) Choose one of the available Western Digital coupon codes above and click "Get Code" to reveal it.
2) Copy the code to your clipboard, then head to the Western Digital website, which will have opened in your old tab.
3) Add the items you want to buy to your basket as you go, then click on the basket when you're ready to order.
4) Proceed to the checkout and look for a field marked "Promo Code".
5) Paste your code here and click "Apply" to change your order total.
At TechRadar, we have a number of tools at our disposal to help us find the latest voucher codes. Our Vouchers team uses connections with big name brands, our affiliate networks, and the world wide web to source the latest & best codes for our pages. Each page is updated multiple times a week with sales info, exclusive codes negotiated by our Commercial team, and a number of ways to save on your next online order.
How we test voucher codes
Every code listed on TechRadar is tested before it’s added to our pages by our Vouchers team. We include a range of offers including student discounts, sale prices, free shipping, & more across a number of categories of products & services. Each code is checked to ensure it is accepted at the checkout, and you won’t find any one-time use or user-specific codes.
The expiry date and any terms & conditions of each code are also displayed on the page, next to or below the ‘Get Code’ button, for added clarity. Click the text that reads ‘Terms & Conditions’ to expand the corresponding area, where you can read more about any requirements your order will need to meet in order for your chosen coupon to be accepted.
What to do if a voucher code doesn’t work
We take the utmost care to verify every code before it’s uploaded, and include as much relevant information as we can find to make using our codes as straightforward as possible. However, sometimes codes expire or are amended before we’re able to refresh our pages, and codes may not work as intended.
Should you experience any issues, it’s always best to start by checking the terms & conditions on the page. Click “View terms and conditions” and the code area will expand. You’ll see all applicable criteria listed in this area. For example, you may not meet a required minimum spend (i.e. spend £20 or more); you may not have enough times in your basket (e.g. you have only selected 2 products when trying to redeem a 3 for 2 multibuy offer), or your chosen offer may only apply to a certain type of product (i.e. 10% off laptops).
If issues persist once you’ve checked that you’ve met any necessary requirements, you can get in touch with our support team by emailing coupons.techradar@futurenet.com. Please provide as much detail about your issue as possible - including which code you used and where you found it - and we’ll be in touch to provide support as soon as we can.
How we make money
All the money TechRadar makes through its voucher pages is earned through a commission-based model. We have deals in place with every retailer that has a voucher page on our site, and every time someone makes a purchase using one of our codes, we earn a percentage of the total basket value back in commission.
Thanks to this model, we can offer all of our codes & discounts completely free of charge. You’ll never be asked to pay a fee to redeem an offer on our site - all you’ll pay is the discounted price of the products or services you’ve chosen to buy.
If you want to find out more about TechRadar’s voucher pages, you can visit our dedicated page on How We Source Voucher Codes and How to Use Them for more information.