Painted Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus pica) is also known as the Magpie sweetlips, Black And White Sweetlips and Dotted Sweetlips

Painted Sweetlips – Facts and Photographs


Scuba Diving

For the rich, there is therapy. For the rest of us, there is scuba diving!

Overall Score
Overall Score

Powoni – Zanzibar, Tanzania

Overall Score

Moto Shipwreck – Bongoyo Island

Kankadya patches Dar es Salaam Diving Tanzania
Overall Score

Kankadya Patches – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Beaded Anemone, Heteractis aurora is also known as the Aurora anemone or Beaded sand Anemone
Maldives damselfish (Amblyglyphidodon indicus)

Unidentified Fish species

This unidentified Fish Species has been identified as Amblyglyphidodon indicus thanks for the help Can anyone identify this Damselfish ?  Only...

Unidentified species

Can anyone identify this undefined species (organism)? It was approximately 6 cm in length, photographed at 6 to 8 meters...

Unidentified species

After photographing an Anemone Hermit crab species (Dardanus pedunculatus) I noticed a large number of Amphipods ( I think they...
Gorgonian weapper Nemanthus species

Gorgonian Wrapper – Facts and Photographs

he Gorgonian wrapper (Nemanthus species) is also known as the Tiger Anemone. They are a species of communal anemones that...
Tube Anemone

Tube Anemone – Facts and Photographs

ube Anemone’s are not anemones per se and are somewhere in-between anemones and corals. They are in the sub class Ceriantharia...


A Two-Spot Wrasse (images) Oxycheilinus bimaculatus also known as the Little Maori wrasse and Two-spot Maori wrasse. Taken on a ...

Fire Urchin

Astropyga radiata, the red urchin, fire urchin or false fire urchin spawning into the water. Taken on a night dive...

Diving on Mafia Island, Tanzania

 PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALAN SUTTON afia Island is situated  25 km from mainland Tanzania and is approximately 130 kilometers south east of Dar...
magnificent sea anemone, Heteractis magnifica

Magnificent Anemone – Facts and Photographs

he magnificent sea anemone, Heteractis magnifica is also known as the Ritteri anemone. Previously they were known as Radianthus ritteri but...
scuba diving mafia island Tanzania East Africa
Overall Score

Kinasi Pass – Mafia Island, Tanzania

PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALAN SUTTON Kinasi Pass is an entrance channel into Chole Bay, just south of Jena Island. It is best...
Mafia island Middle Mikindini Reef scuba diving
Overall Score

Mikadini Reef Middle – Mafia Island, Tanzania

PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALAN SUTTON ituated on the the south eastern side of Jena Island, middle Mikadini reef is best dived on an incoming tide...
scuba diving mafia island Tanzania east africa
Overall Score

Mikadini Reef Outer – Mafia Island, Tanzania

PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALAN SUTTON he Mikadini Reef situated on the the south eastern side of Jena Island, Mikadini reef is best dived on an...
Dindini Caves 9
Overall Score

Dindini Caves – Mafia Island, Tanzania

PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALAN SUTTON o the north of Dindini Caves Dindini wall  a shelf comes out from the coral cliffs...
Overall Score

Laura’s Garden – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF ERIC BEAUME o the southeast of Mbudya Island (located north of Dar es Salaam) lies Octopus Reef,...
Mikadini Reef Inner
Overall Score

Mikadini Reef Inner – Mafia Island, Tanzania

Mafia Island has some spectacular diving, with the most popular dive sites at the southeast of the island at Chole Bay within the protected Mafia Marine Park...
Overall Score

Dindini Wall – Mafia Island, Tanzania

Mafia Island has some spectacular diving, with the most popular dive sites at the southeast of the island in the protected Mafia Marine Park of Chole Bay. The park is famous for its pristine reefs...
Scuba Diving Tanzania

A Shoal of Glassies

A shoal of semi transparent glassies congregate around a coral outcrop, banding together for protection. Shoaling makes it difficult for...
Scuba Diving Tanzania

Fire Goby Poses for a Picture

 fire goby or fire dartfish, (Nemateleotris magnifica) displays its vibrant colors and fully erect dorsal fin for the photographer. Adult fire...
Scuba Diving Tanzania

Camouflaged Crocodilefish

A crocodilefish (Papilloculiceps longiceps), also known as the tentacled flathead, lies across soft corals, waiting for prey to swim past. These fish are extremely well camouflaged...
Scuba Divers

Scuba Divers at the Blue Hole

Scuba divers dive along the abundant coral wall on the outskirts of the Dahab’s Blue Hole in Egypt. Photo taken on...
Scuba Divers at El Bells

Scuba Divers at El Bells

Scuba divers dive the El Bells, in Dahab, Egypt. "The Bells" is a small crack in the reef-table that continues underwater like a chimney down to 28 meters. Diving inside...
Scuba Diving Tanzania

Giant Moray in Hiding

A giant moray eel, Gymnothorax javanicus, stares out from his cave in the coral reef off the coast of Dar es Salaam. These eels grow up to up to three meters, the head...

A Pair of Redband Lizardfish

A pair of redband lizardfish (Synodus variegatis) rest on the coral, ready to seize any passing morsel that will fit...
Bomb at Bongoyo Patches

Bomb at Bongoyo Patches

n unexploded home made bomb, photographed at the popular Dar es Salaam dive site, Bongoyo Patches, lays benign nestled among...

Spider Decorator Crab with Flip Flops

ea Star Shrimp (Zenopontonia soror) are also known as Starfish Shrimp

Sea Star Shrimp-Facts and Photographs

Pom Pom Crab (Lybia tessellata) is also known as the Boxer crab.

Pom Pom Crab- Facts and Photographs

Crinoid Squat Lobster (Allogalathea elegans) is also known as the Feather Star Squat lobster or the Elegant Squat Lobster

Crinoid Squat Lobster-Facts and Photographs

Slingjaw Wrasse (Epibulus insidiator)

Slingjaw Wrasse- Facts and Photographs



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