PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALAN SUTTON afia Island is situated 25 km from mainland Tanzania and is approximately 130 kilometers south east of Dar...
he Lined Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus) is also known as the Clown Surgeonfish, the BlueBanded Surgeonfish and the Striped Surgeonfish. Members...
PHOTOGRAPHY BY HANNAH JANE AND ALAN SUTTON hile on a helicopter flight off the usual flight path to the underwater city...
On the 27th of March 1951 the Slemmestad, laden with 3,500 tons of general cargo, including bitumen, brandy, kerosene, lube oil, matches and bagged cement, whilst on a voyage from...
othing is more fantastic than free-diving in the waters of my own beautiful homeland. Floating face down on the surface of Walden Pond, in the world I forcibly left behind, instructor, Nick Fazah, from East Coast Divers is by my side as I...
Diving at night is a surreal, lunar-like experience. I’m surrounded in complete darkness at the bottom of the Indian ocean,...
ionfish are unquestionably one of the most photogenic fish in the sea, with an eccentric, gaudy profile, elaborate, vibrant stripes...
he Spider Decorator Crab (Camposcia retusa) is also known as the Blunt Decorator Crab, the Velcro Crab and the Tarantula Crab. They camouflage themselves by placing pieces of organic matter from their immediate environment on themselves and generally unless they...
ea Star Shrimp (Zenopontonia soror) are also known as Starfish Shrimp. They live exclusively on Sea Stars or Starfish. During...
he Pom Pom Crab (Lybia tessellata) also known as the Boxer crab and Mosaic Boxer Crab is a species of...
he Crinoid Squat Lobster (Allogalathea elegans) is also known as the Feather Star Squat lobster or the Elegant Squat Lobster. Although they are called squat lobsters they are more closely related to Hermit Crabs than Lobsters. They are also a...
he Slingjaw Wrasse (Epibulus insidiator) is becoming more common again in the Tanzanian coastal areas. Until 2017 dynamiting was common...
he Painted Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus pica) is also known as the Magpie sweetlips, Black And White Sweetlips and Dotted Sweetlips. They...
he Floating blenny (Aspidontus dussumieri) is also known as the Lance blenny and as Dussumier’s blenny. They were first described by Valenciennes in 1836 and were named after Jean-Jacques Dussumier a French naturalist who put together a large collection of...
he Goldtail Angelfish (Pomacanthus chrysurus ) is also known as the Chrysurus Angelfish and the Earspot Angelfish. As with other...
he Floral blenny (Petroscirtes mitratus) is also known as the Floral Fangblenny,the Crested Sabretooth blenny and the Helmeted blenny. They...
he Blotchfin Scorpionfish, Scorpaenodes varipinnis is another of the smaller scorpionfish. Because many of the blotch on the dorsal fin, they are easy to identify. They are quite common at night on the reef and rubble in the shallower waters...
he Spotted Croucher , Caracanthus madagascariens is also known as the Madagascar Croucher. They were first decribed in 1869 as...
he Shortfin Scorpionfish, Scorpaenodes parvipinnis also known as the Lowfin Scorpionfish is another of the smaller scorpionfish. Because many of...
he Broad-banded Pipefish (Dunckerocampus boylei) has not been seen in Tanzanian waters to our knowledge before the sighting of this pair off Dar es Salaam in January 2023, almost certainly because they live in small caves that are quite deep....
he Bloody Hermit Crab (Dardanus sanguinocarpus) is one of the more colorful smaller hermit crabs in Tanzania. They were first...
he Stripetail Tilefish, Malacanthus brevirostris , is also known as the Banded Blanquillo, the Flagtail Blanquillo and the Quakerfish. They...
he Red Reef Lobster (Enoplometopus occidentalis) is also known as the hairy reef lobster. They are only active at night and during the day they are almost never seen. They were first described by J.W. Randall in 1840 as Nephrops...
ne day back in September 2020, I was doing a dive on Big T Wall , off Dar es Salaam...
Latham Island lies some 66 kilometers to the east of Dar es Salaam off the Tanzanian coast. It is a...
he Banded Reef Goby (Priolepis cincta) is also known as the Banded Goby, Girdled Goby and the Convict Goby . These are fairly common fish in Tanzania, but unless one looks for them one is unlikely to see them. The...
he Peacock Razor Wrasse (Iniistius pavo) is also known as the Peacock Wrasse, Blue razorfish, Peacock razorfish and the Razor...
he Sea Grass Wrasse (Novaculoides macrolepidotus) is also known as the Emerald Wrasse. They are fairly rare in Tanzanian waters...
he Ring-cheek slender wrasse, Pseudojuloides argyreogaster is generally a very rare fish in Tanzanian waters and is notoriously difficult to approach. Only in some areas are they common. They were first described by Gunther in 1867 with the holotype being...
he Eight lined wrasse (Pseudocheilinus octotaenia) is also known as the Eightstripe Wrasse or Eightline Wrasse. They are similar looking...
he Clear Cleaner Shrimp (Urocaridella antonbruunii) is also known as the Anton Bruni Cleaner Shrimp, the Red and White Cleaner...
he Triplespot wrasse (Halichoeres trispilus) is also known as the White wrasse. They are rarely seen in Tanzania and we have only seen them in one small cave on a wall at some 28 to 32 meters ( tide dependent). ...
The Most Recommended Fish for Saltwater Aquariums and Tips for Choosing Your Fish Marine fish are among the top 10...
he Saber squirrelfish (Sargocentron spiniferum) is also known as the Giant squirrelfish and Spiny squirrelfish. They are named after the...
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