Painted Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus pica) is also known as the Magpie sweetlips, Black And White Sweetlips and Dotted Sweetlips

Painted Sweetlips – Facts and Photographs


Elongate Sand and Burrow Dwellers

Floral blenny (Petroscirtes mitratus) is also known as the Floral Fangblenny,the Crested Sabretooth blenny and the Helmeted blenny
Banded Reef Goby (Priolepis cincta) is also known as the Banded Goby and the Convict Goby
Chestnut eyelash-blenny (Cirripectes castaneus) is also known as the Chestnut Blenny

Chestnut Eyelash-Blenny – Facts and Photographs

he Chestnut Eyelash Blenny (Cirripectes castaneus) is also known as the Chestnut Blenny. The species was described by Valenciennes in...
Greenbubble dwarfgoby (Eviota prasina) also known as the Greenie, Midget Goby, Pepperfin Pygmy Goby and Rubble Eviota

Spotted Dwarf Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Spotted Dwarfgoby Eviota guttata is as its name suggests is a small fish. At the time of description they...
Midas blenny (Ecsenius midas) is also known as the Golden Blenny, the Lyretail blenny and the Persian blenny

Midas Blenny – Facts and Photographs

he Midas blenny (Ecsenius midas) is also known as the Golden Blenny, the Lyretail blenny and the Persian blenny. They...
Transparent Cave Goby (Fusigobius pallidus) is also known as the Pale Sand Goby.

Transparent Cave Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Transparent Cave Goby (Fusigobius pallidus) is also known as the Pale Sand Goby. They were initially described as Coryphopterus...
Sleeper Blue Dot Goby (Valencienna sexguttata) also known as the Chalk Goby and the Sixspot Goby

Sleeper Blue Dot Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Sleeper Blue Dot Goby (Valenciennea sexguttata) is also known as the Chalk Goby and the Sixspot Goby. They lack...
Orange-spotted sleeper-goby (Valenciennea puellaris) also known as the Orange-dashed goby, Maiden goby and Diamond Watchman goby

Orange-spotted sleeper-goby – Facts and Photographs

he Orange spotted sleeper goby (Valenciennea puellaris) is also known as the Orange-dashed goby, Maiden goby and Diamond Watchman goby....
Eyebar Goby (Gnatholepis cauerensis) is also known as the Shoulderspot Goby, the Bridled Goby and the Cauer Eye-bar Goby

Eyebar Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Eyebar Goby (Gnatholepis cauerensis) is also known as the Shoulderspot Goby, the Bridled Goby and the Cauer Eye-bar Goby....
Gorgeous Shrimpgoby Amblyeleotris wheeleri also known as the Gorgeous Prawn-goby, the Barred Shrimpgoby and Wheeler's Shrimp-goby

Gorgeous Shrimp Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Gorgeous Shrimp Goby (Amblyeleotris wheeleri) is also known as the Gorgeous Prawn-goby, the Barred Shrimp goby, the Burgundy Shrimp...
Graceful lizardfish (Saurida gracilis) also called the Blotchy lizardfish and Slender Lizardfish

Graceful Lizardfish- Facts and Photographs

he Graceful Lizardfish (Saurida gracilis) also called the Blotchy Lizardfish. Close up they are easily distinguished from other Lizardfish by...
Sand lizardfish is also known as the Clearfin Lizzardfish

Sand Lizardfish- Facts and Photographs

he Sand lizardfish (Synodus dermatogenys) is also known as the Clearfin Lizzardfish and the Banded Lizzardfish. They are often confused...
Mozambique Ghost Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) also known as the Common Ghost Goby, the Toothy Goby and the Many-host Goby on Bubble Coral

Mozambique Ghost Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Mozambique Ghost Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) is also known as the Common Ghost Goby, the Toothy Goby and the Many-host...
Decorated Goby (Istigobius decoratus) is also known as the Decorated Sand Goby, the Decorated Sand-Goby and the Decorated Sandgoby

Decorated Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Decorated Goby (Istigobius decoratus) is also known as the Decorated Sand Goby, the Decorated Sand-Goby and the Decorated Sandgoby....
Bluestreak Goby (Valenciennea strigata) is also known as the Pennant Glider, Blueband Goby, Blueband Glider Goby and the Golden-head sleeper goby

Bluestreak Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Bluestreak Goby (Valenciennea strigata) is also known as the Pennant Glider, Blueband Goby, Blueband Glider Goby and the Golden-head...
Bluelined Shrimp goby (Cryptocentrus bulbiceps) may be conspecific to Cryptocentrus fasciatus

Bluelined Shrimp Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Bluelined Shrimp goby (Cryptocentrus fasciatus) which was first described by Playfair in 1867 with the holotype being from Zanzibar,...
Blackflap Blenny (Cirripectes auritus) also known as the Eared Blenny

Blackflap Blenny – Facts and Photographs

he Blackflap Blenny (Cirripectes auritus) also known as the Eared Blenny and the Black-eared Eyelash Blenny. They are combtooth blennies...
Redspotted sandperch (Parapercis schauinslandii) also known as the Rosy Sandperch

Redspotted Sandperch – Facts and Photographs

he Redspotted Sandperch (Parapercis schauinslandii) is also known as the Rosy Sandperch.  They are among the more attractive looking sand...
The Aurora Goby (Amblyeleotris aurora) is also known as the Aurora Shrimp Goby and the Pinkbar Goby

Aurora Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Aurora Goby (Amblyeleotris aurora) is also known as the Aurora Shrimp Goby and the Pinkbar Goby. As their name...
Blue Speckled Shrimp Goby (Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus) also known as Eight-barred Shrimp-goby

Blue Speckled Shrimp Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Blue Speckled Shrimp Goby (Cryptocentrus caeruleomaculatus) is a common inhabitant of the silty shallow areas of the Tanzanian coasts....
Mozambique Blenny (Meiacanthus mossambicus) is also known as the Harptail Blenny

Mozambique Blenny – Facts and Photographs

he Mozambique Blenny (Meiacanthus mossambicus) is also known as the Harptail Blenny. Blennies in the Meiacanthus Genus have grooved canine teeth...

False Cleanerfish – Facts and Photographs

he False Cleanerfish (Aspidontus tractus) mimics the Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus)pictured below across each stage of its life....
Bluestriped fangblenny (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos) is also known as the bluestriped blenny, bluestriped sabretooth blenny, blunt-nose blenny, cleaner mimic, tube-worm blenny and the two-stripe blenny

Bluestriped Fangblenny – Facts and Photographs

he Bluestriped fangblenny (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos) is also known as the bluestriped blenny, bluestriped sabretooth blenny, blunt-nose blenny, cleaner mimic, tube-worm...
Piano Fangblenny (Plagiotremus tapeinosoma) is also known as the Hit and Run Blenny, Mimic Blenny and Scale-eating Fangblenny

Piano Fangblenny – Facts and Photographs

he Piano Fangblenny (Plagiotremus tapeinosoma) is also known as the Hit and Run Blenny, Mimic Blenny and Scale-eating Fangblenny. They...
Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops yongei) is also known as the wire-coral goby

Whip Coral Goby – Facts and Photographs

he Whip Coral Goby (Bryaninops yongei) is also known as the wire-coral goby. They have a very specialized habitat and...
Speckled sandperch (Parapercis hexophtalma)

Speckled Sandperch – Facts and Photographs

he Speckled sandperch (Parapercis hexophtalma) is a member of the Parapercis genus . They were once thought to be two...

Crinoid Squat Lobster-Facts and Photographs

Floating Blenny-Facts and Photographs

Goldtail Angelfish (Pomacanthus chrysurus ) also known as the Chrysurus Angelfish and the Earspot  Angelfish.

Goldtail Angelfish – Facts and Photographs

Floral blenny (Petroscirtes mitratus) is also known as the Floral Fangblenny,the Crested Sabretooth blenny and the Helmeted blenny

Floral Blenny-Facts and Photographs

Shortfin Scorpionfish, Scorpaenodes parvipinnis also known as the Lowfin Scorpionfish

Blotchfin Scorpionfish- Facts and Photographs



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